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Last Updated : Some time ago

The Cat In The Hat Drinking Poem
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The Cat In The Hat Love My Job Poem
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Buried Alive
The gentle rhythmic thumping sound,
from box top meeting shoveled ground.
The guttering match confirms your fears,
while dirt fall still assaults your ears.

You push the lid, it starts to give,
you may have yet a chance to live.
But dirt rains down to stop your rise,
and terror fills your widened eyes.

Your breathing speeds as panic spreads,
you scream but graveyard air is dead.
With air to weak to fill a breath,
you weep, and settle into death.

From dusty crevasses below
eyes watch your every move to know,
just when to crawl from hidden space
to walk upon your sleeping face.

Eating hair and blood and skin
and more when they can probe within,
they'll crawl through food or clothes instead
or make your scalp into a bed.

You really don't know what's in store
for they've had babies,

One shaft of light reached to the floor,
and thrilled the children wanting more.
Then out stepped one with circus style,
a painted clown with red slashed smile.

Brighter than a carousel,
he placed his fans beneath his spell.
And even you he could beguile,
a painted clown with red slashed smile.

When nighttime sets and storms take hold,
the fear of thunder turns blood cold.
To rest you think of him awhile,
the painted clown with red slashed smile.

The lighting bolt turns calm to dread,
he is standing right beside your bed.
The final sight of your young life,
the painted clown with red slashed knife.

A house once empty during day
grows fuller as light dims away.
A phantom moves throughout this home
with no regard to where you roam.

At first you notice little signs
soft footsteps, things dropped, little whines.
Sounds like a dog whose playing games
one whose whisper speaks your name.

Ghosts never wish you'll go away
all spirits merely want to play.
They tell all humans this white lie
for they can't have you till you die.

Creation Of A Pussy
Seven wise men with knowledge so fine,
created a pussy to their design.

First was a butcher, smart with wit,
using a knife, he gave it a slit.

Second was a carpenter, strong and bold,
with a hammer and chisel, he gave it a hole.

Third was a tailor, tall and thin,
by using red velvet, he lined it within.

Fourth was a hunter, short and stout,
with a piece of fox fur, he lined it without.

Fifth was a fisherman, nasty as hell,
threw in a fish, and gave it the smell.

Sixth was a preacher, whose name was McGee,
touched it and blessed it, and said it could pee.

Last came a sailor, dirty little runt,
he sucked it and fucked it, and called it a cunt.



Construction Divider 2
I have chosen this path, not to fit a mold, not to join a trend, not to follow a crowed, but because it is right for me.
Construction Divider 2
